About Me
As a child, I was totally obsessed with the Muppets. In fact, for a while there, I wanted to BE Miss Piggy when I grew up…
Twenty years later, I started making puppets and performing shows with friend, Lee Crothers. Looly Puppet Productions, as it was called, honed many of the skills that I use when I now work with children.
When finally I graduated as a speech language pathologist in 1993, I found that working with children was a great excuse for buying and making more puppets. My interest in using puppets in a more therapeutic sense ( and my collection) began to expand.
Today, in my clinical practice, I spend a lot of my time with my hand up a puppet and I think for this reason, kids just LOVE coming to therapy sessions. Even a boring assessment session can be made easier with the help of a puppet… For many of my sessions, it is the child that is using the puppet, not me.
In addition, to working clinically in schools and preschools, I also write and illustrate for Pelican Talk Speech Therapy Resources and Love and Reilly. I frequently conduct training sessions for parents and professionals on a range of topics, one of my favourites being how to use puppets successfully in teaching and therapy.I hope you also learn to love puppets as much as I do! On this website, you’ll find lots of freebies to download, ideas to inspire and information on the Puppets for Learning workshops . There is also a selection of wonderful, carefully selected puppets to purchase.
Go on – get your hand up a puppet!